The Sawdust Diaries

You can Build it, I can Help!

Cara’s Office Reveal

My built-in office cabinets. are. done!!!!   So, remember when you gave birth and you were like, “I am never going to forget how my body felt”, and then three short months later, you totally were on board to possibly have another and go through it all again?? Yeah, it’s about the same after building a massive desk and office.

Built-in Office Cabinets-

In all seriousness, I am so glad I started with the hardest project in my house, because now all of the others seem small in comparison. I think I just need a small break before tackling my next build! I started this project in April and between working full time and traveling for my job, and kid activities, and summer vacations, I finally finished. Can I just say, I love how it turned out and can’t wait to unpack all of our stuff and fill those bookcases?!

As a little surprise, I am not even sure that Sandra knows that I added a corkboard wall and desk grommets for electrical cords, but I did and I think it will be very useful.  Here is all 23′ of desk and our beautiful office  furniture!

If you want to see how these built-in office cabinets came together read my Sawdust Diaries here:

Built-in office furniture.
Built-in office suite.
Built-in office suite.
Built-in Office Cabinets
Built-in office suite.
Built-in Office Cabinets
Built-in Office Cabinets

This whole experience has been a wonderful one.  Sandra has the patience of a saint!  Thank you Sandra for sticking with me to the end!

I love Cara’s room!  It is beautiful, functional and pure awesomeness.   I am proud to have been a part of this DIY journey. ~Sandra

Read Cara’s full Sawdust Diary story: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7,

You can get the free plans for the Cara Collection Office Furniture Built-ins At here:

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